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IMTD has historically focused its attention on international peacebuilding. It has become clear that the United States can also benefit from the lessons we have learned, both in peacebuilding and development. We are capable of designing tools to address large social problems like homelessness and chaotic social divisions. We can also work on a much more targeted scale for your business, your church, or other organization. We do offer mediation when appropriate, but we also offer a wide array of other approaches. 


IMTD is proud to use the expertise of its leaders and staff to provide individuals, groups, organizations, and governments with tools to promote conflict resolution to meet their needs. In addition to the grant funded programs, IMTD has special expertise in disciplines available on a fee for service basis. Fees will be established relative to the scope of the problem.


To be matched with the right professional or team contact Karen Dickman (724) 518-6660

IMTD is based in Pittsburgh, PA but can work anywhere in the country as we do in the rest of the world.


Many of the problems we have been asked to address in international conflict are reflected in domestic issues. This list is just a sample. If your needs don't appear here call us to see what we can design.

Terrorism = Hate Crimes
Refugee Integration = Housing/Jobs/Discrimination
Criminal Justice Reform
Economic Corruption
Economic Development
Racial/Gender/LGBT+ Discrimination

Remember, solutions appear to be relatively easy. The more difficult task is implementing them in constantly changing socio-political systems. This is part of our magic.


Are you interested in generating a better sense of community, maybe ways to incorporate restorative justice practices in local law enforcement, courts, and jails? Maybe you have organizational conflicts that are too complex for mediation. Tell us what keeps you up at night. 


This is perhaps the most commonly used tool for conflict resolution in western culture. It is also widely misunderstood. It is best applied where there are a small number of parties in conflict.

Many businesses, schools, and other organizations also have in-house mediators, usually in the Human Resources Department.
In house mediators are rarely perceived as neutrals by both or allparties. They represent the organization. In order to resolve conflicts in the short term, prevent future conflicts, and retain
staff it would be more effective to hire an outside mediator.

Peer Mediation This is usually used in school settings, often to mitigate bullying. It can also be used in business settings to deal with co-worker conflicts between people who have relatively equally ranked positions within the company. We can set up the training for you.

We have mediators who can work in directive, facilitative, and transformative styles.



Imagine the healing potential of an adult victim of clergy abuse meeting with their abuser to say those things they never could as a child. 

Maybe you need a group conversation to air grievances and plan constructive next steps.

Maybe you want reconciliation.


Our long experience has been valuable to other organizations facing common challenges or using similar tools. Just as we tap into the wisdom of our associates we are happy to share what
we know with others. Currently we serve as a consultant to Sovereignty First on their role in the
"Hope for a Better Future" project in Liberia. 


We have well informed, interesting speakers available on a variety of topics related to our work. Examples include:
     Transitional and Restorative Justice
     International Affairs 
     Mass Trauma and Group Stress Theory



While IMTD is not a religious organization,nor affiliated with any faith, the nature of our work is inherently spiritual. A number of clergy from a variety of faith traditions have been drawn into our circle. They can be helpful to individuals, businesses, or other organizations trying to sort out the ethics of some situation, or perhaps coming to terms with the awe and gravity of a situation.


We have staff available for training and retreats on topics such as:
     Understanding Groups Under Stress
     ReImagining Solutions to Thorny Issues
What can we help you with that we haven't thought of yet?



When a school shooting happens or clergy abuse of children is exposed the shock ripples far beyond the specific victims or even their families. Entire communities become victims, feeling unsafe, unprotected, betrayed perhaps. 

The usual response is to provide counseling to the circle most closely affected. Certainly their experience may be the most acute, however the trauma shapes the worldview of much broader circles. People feel an exaggerated sense of crime rates and are more susceptible to suggestions about certain groups of people being dangerous. In the case of clergy abuse many people will lose trust in the church and perhaps even faith in general. Of course these are just examples. 

We have tools to help large groups of people come to terms with tragic public events.


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