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Dr. Wolterstorff is the founder and CEO of Sovereignty First, a free-lance diplomatic firm.  His expertise is the behavior of populations in response to existential threats.


 He received his Bachelor’s degree from Tribhuwan University and Master’s degree from IACER (Pokhara University). While in Nepal, he worked as a Program Manager with an NGO that provided vocational training for conflict-affected youths and helped them integrate into society. Later, he received his second Masters with honors in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford, UK. He recently completed a Ph.D. in Conflict Resolution at George Mason's S-CAR.


Aneesha Kumar was born in Bombay, India and came to the United States in 2004 to earn her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with concentrations in International Relations and Contemporary Politics from The College of Wooster in 2008. Recently, she completed her Master of Arts degree in Conflict Resolution at University of Denver and is a certified mediator and facilitator. As a part of the IMTD team, Aneesha is the Program Manager for projects regarding India-Pakistan-Kashmir relations and peacebuilding.


Originally from Canada, where she practiced and taught in Vancouver. Michelle Lebaron is particularly sensitive to cross-cultural and diversity issues. She has returned to Vancouver and is on the faculty of the University of Vancouver. She is a widely published scholar.


Mr. Lincoln an internationally recognized teacher, trainer, and negotiator. His impartial intervention activities include prison uprisings, Native American affairs, environmental issues, court diversion/restitution cases, desegregation of schools, community development projects, labor management issues, public policy disputes, and environmental scenarios. He is also the Co-Director of the Russian-American Program on Conflictology and the Sudan-American Program for Peace. We have worked together in Russia, Cuba, and Sudan.
Alexander Gritsinin is the Governance and Management Advisor to the Global Environmental Governance Project. He is an expert in management, corporate environmental sustainability, environmental governance and sustainable development. Mr. Gritsinin brings to IMTD over 15 years of international management and policy experience in high-profile organizations and research institutions, including Coca-Cola, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), UNESCO, The Nature Conservancy, Uzbekistan National Center for Research in Oncology, and Yale University.


Mr. Moon joined IMTD at the first Lake Trails camp in 1999 where he showed the young participants how to use Aikido as a conflict resolution tool. Richard lives in San Rafael, California and coaches business leaders and corporations as a partner in the Performance Edge, an Aikido-based consulting firm.


Dr. Abu-Nimer has been conducting negotiation and conflict resolution training workshops for diplomats, community leaders, journalists, academics, and other professionals internationally since 1980. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the International Peace and Conflict Resolution department of the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC. He has been an integral part of IMTD’s work with Care Sri Lanka.


Dr. Siver, IMTD’s former Executive Director is currently the Director of the Global Process Institute, an organization promoting process oriented awareness based interventions in conflict and dialogue. See


Mr. Swanson has served as a mediator and facilitator in a wide variety of negotiated rulemaking, public policy, enforcement, grant administration, EEO, employment, and labor related disputes. He was a commissioner with the Federal Meditation and Conciliation Service and a consultant in conflict resolution for the Tibetan Government in Exile.


Ms. Yamasaki is an expert in the martial art of Aikido, lives in San Rafael, California, and is the lead consultant since 1999 for the Youth Leadership Adventure Program. She has spent a great deal of time traveling within Bosnia and Herzegovina coaching the YLA participants in project design and implementation.


Dr. Elshtewi became the Dean of the Medical Sciences School at the Alacademia for Graduate Studies, Tripoli University in 2013. Dr. Elshtewi is hosting an IMTD office in his new NGO in Tripoli called the National Academy For Education Services. IMTD-Tripoli will initially be focused on Peer Mediation at the middle and high school levels.

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